Iran Boiler Heat Machinery Company
Established in 1992 and is one of the leading manufacturers of heating equipment in the country, which has been able to attract the trust of experts in the field of production of boilers (boilers, hot water and hot oil) and pressure vessels. .
Some of boileriran services:
- Horizontal boilers are designed and manufactured from a capacity of 100 kg per hour to 500 kg per hour.
- Vertical boilers are designed and produced with a working pressure of 1 to 15 bar and a capacity of 500 kg per hour of steam up to 10 tons of steam per hour.
- Application of these boilers in industries such as:
- Used in car washes, steam saunas, steam car washes and small factories.
- And boiler 500 kg and above for:
- Food factories: paste making, sugar, soft drinks and syrups, cooking plums, soybeans, pastilles, autoclaves, candy making, sausages and

Some of our customers