
Boiler components are components that are installed on an industrial boiler. These parts activate and most importantly make the industrial boiler safer. Pump, burner, preheater, water storage tank, fuel filter, water feature, pressure controller, control valve, pressure switch, pressure gauge, thermometer, temperature controller, shut-off valve, deaerator, economizer, electrical panel and superheater . Each component of an industrial boiler has a specific task and application. In this article, we review all the equipment and supplies. The high quality of these components has a direct impact on the efficiency and service life of industrial boilers. Also, the higher the efficiency, the higher the amount of evaporation and the quality of evaporation.



Components of Iran Boiler Boiler

Considering that industrial boilers have different types such as cast iron and steel, in this article we will examine the components of this steel boiler. For information on the components of a cast iron boiler, you can refer to the article Boiler.
Safety valve The pressure relief valve or safety valve prevents the boiler from pressing too high.

This piece is one of the last components of the boiler. Which mechanically protects the boiler against excessive pressures. The safety valve is one of the important boiler equipments. Which should reduce the total current produced. Therefore, due to the importance of this part, a full explanation is given in the article.
Steam trap: One of the components of the boiler that automatically separates the condensate (distilled water due to latent steam heat dissipation) in the industrial boiler and the amount of air in the steam lines. This operation must be without wasting the amount of steam output. A strainer was also installed at the entrance of the steam trap to prevent sediment from entering the steam trap.


But the question is, if its density is not separated from the steam lines. What happens to the boiler? The presence of condensation causes water to hit the pipes. As a result, the pipe breaks. And the industrial boiler practically fails. Boiler accessories that need to be condensed include: the end of the rising steam pipes, the main branches of the steam, and the heat exchangers. There are different types of trap components in boiler components.
Different types of steam traps in boiler components that can be installed in Iran boilers by agreement.

Application of boiler in food industry

One of the ideals of producing a quality product and the most important part of the food industry is the boiler. We must be diligent in maintenance and care. Also, the boiler has various applications in the food industry. Steam production is not only used for cooking in the food industry. One of the smallest applications of the boiler in the food industry is for cooking. Other applications of the boiler in the food industry are: disinfection and sterilization, packaging and canning food, washing and cleaning, dehumidification, to keep the environment warm, heating and temperature control, Iran Boiler is one of the manufacturers of boilers with It is half a century of experience.

The price of a 500 kg boiler

The price of a boiler is 1 ton of steam per hour

The price of a 2 ton boiler

The price of a boiler is 3 tons of steam

The price of a boiler is 5 tons of steam

Inquire about the price of a 10 ton boiler

In mushroom cultivation, it is necessary to maintain humidity and control the ambient temperature. That you should consult the Iranian boiler. In mushroom cultivation, a boiler is used to maintain humidity and control temperature. Another use of the boiler in the food industry is to grow mushrooms to disinfect and kill bacteria. Compos, etc. Using a boiler to grow mushrooms is much more cost-effective than other methods. Today, they have discovered the science of growing mushrooms and disinfecting them in different ways with steam

Application of Iranian boiler boiler in food industry, production of dairy products such as

For the production of dairy products such as yogurt and cheese and production. Whey and whey need milk to heat the milk. This heat is supplied by a boiler. After completing the initial stages of production of yogurt and cheese by milk, there is a need for a greenhouse to complete the process of converting milk to yogurt and cheese. In greenhouses, a boiler is used to produce the heat needed by the greenhouse.

Industrial boilers are also used to produce dry milk. Another application of the boiler in the food industry is the production of dairy products for pasteurization and homogenization of milk. The boiler is also used. The boiler has many applications in the production of dairy products.

Use of wet boiler and steamer in food industry, production of sauces, sauces and tomato paste, Iranian boiler

As you know, the production of paste requires heat. In such a way that after turning the tomato into small pieces or so-called puree and crushing the tomato, it should be turned into tomato paste with appropriate heat. To produce enough heat to make tomato paste, a boiler is used that requires a high temperature and heat.

Application of hot and humid boilers and boilers in the food industry Production of sugar and sugar heads and sugar boilers Iran

To produce sugar, you must first make sugar syrup with water and sugar. Which with the machines of cooking materials that steam goes in the second wall, then added colored materials to it. To thicken it, high temperature heat or steam must be used so that it can be concentrated and poured into the mold, then the molds are sent to the greenhouse. To produce sugar. A boiler is used to generate heat to thicken the sugar syrup and heat the greenhouse.

Note: In addition to the items mentioned in all food industries that require heat, temperature, humidity, the boiler can be used

Iran Boiler is a boiler manufacturer with half a century of experience

The most important factors in choosing a boiler for food boiler industry in Iran

Boiler capacity varies in different food industries. And it should be in terms of the industry you are in. Buy a boiler with the capacity required by your industry. Or get advice from Iran Boiler Machine Manufacturing Company, so that if you are not careful in choosing its capacity, it will reduce the quality of production.

The next factor in the selection and application of boilers in different food industries is boiler fuel; Which is determined by the buyer. The best fuel for a boiler is gas fuel. Because gaseous fuel pollution is much less than other fuels. Food industry boiler must have the highest quality and drive

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